Contact us

Our team is ready to support you in your innovative needs.
Do you have a question? Are you looking for advice?
Contact one of our experts for advice tailored for your company

Groepsfoto medewerkers Flanders' FOOD in Roeselare

Flanders’ FOOD

Wetenschapsstraat 14 A
1040 Brussels


How to reach us

Our team

general management

Inge Arents
Inge Arents
managing director
Fahd Vranken
Fahd Vranken
accountant & finance business partner - freelance
Ellen Hermans
Ellen Hermans
office manager & event coordinator

proces coordination

Ellen Fierens
research manager
Margaux Leemans
innovation manager
Timothy Lefeber
research manager
Emma Sidgwick
innovation manager
Bart Van Damme
innovation manager

team coordination

Greet Cleemput
Greet Cleemput
program manager
Marie Demarcke
innovation manager
Veerle De Graef
innovation manager
Lore Knaepen
innovation manager
Steven Van Campenhout
program manager
Raf Geenen
Raf Geenen
program manager BS&S

innovation managers team

Ines Colle
Ines Colle
innovation manager
Nina Kellner
Nina Kellner
innovation manager
Foto Trui Luyckx
Trui Luyckx
innovation manager
Ellen Martens
Ellen Martens
innovation manager
Lars Roba
innovation manager
Foto Rani Roye
Rani Roye
innovation manager
Eline foto medewerker
Eline Stuyven
innovation manager
Maarten Uyttebroek
innovation manager
foto website Laura V
Laura Vantornout
innovation manager
Gus Verhaeghe
innovation manager
Ruth Verstraete
Ruth Verstraete
innovation manager

business services & support team

Marie Demarcke
innovation manager
Raf Geenen
Raf Geenen
program manager BS&S
Bjorn Samson
communication manager
Bart Van Damme
innovation manager
Kevin Winnen
innovation manager

office & events team

sophia anthoni
Sophia Anthoni
assistant office - freelance
Dieter Clauwaert
Dieter Clauwaert
communication officer
Piet Deschuttere
Piet Deschuttere
assistant events